Spotfire® Integration

The Text Card mod integrates seamless in the TIBCO Spotfire® environment. The following videos show how the Text Card mod supports the common functions/features of visualizations and interaction between visualizations: Marking, Details visualization and Canvas Styling/Theme adaption.


Just as in other Spotfire® visualizations, you can mark your content, and have the markings being applied in your other related visualizations.

Details Visualization

Text Card mod supports details visualizations. Details visualizations can be created out of other visualizations to show Text Cards of a certain sub-dataset. Or, vice versa, details visualization can be created out of a marked sub-dataset within the Text Card mod. If the Text Card mod does not show up in your list for details visualizations, make sure to pin it to your visualizations.

Theme adaption

Like the native Spotfire® visualizations, the Text Card mod supports and adapts to custom themes/canvas styling.

The Text Card mod uses the follwoing styling elements:

  • General font: Annotations and content font styling, mouse-over border line, buttons and scrollbars adapt to it
  • Scales line color: Frame of text card
  • Tick marks color: Seperation line between annotation and content, seperation line between annotations (if not set, scales line color is used)